JetERP - Total management
of your business
JetBPM -Mapping, improvement, and
automation of processes
E-commerce platform

We are <experts>
in software development and we will help you with:

A Product of Quality

Constant updates with the best practices of your segment, ensuring a PRODUCT that meets your demands in real-time.


Customization according to your needs, using high-performance technology for your management.

Humanized support

Fast and personalized service to ensure your questions are resolved in real-time.

99.98 %
of loyal customers!

Unparalleled solutions for the growth of your business!

Reduced costs

Invest a fair amount and optimize time with one of the most comprehensive management software solutions on the market.

Optimization of processes

Clear and intuitive interfaces are essential. With a well-designed user experience (UI/UX), we facilitate the team's adaptation to the software.

Comprehensive software

Our service quality is guaranteed by the interoperability of our software, which easily integrates into several e-commerce platforms and other systems, providing a seamless experience for our clients, regardless of the tools they already use.

Partners who have transformed their results with our strategies


Alemmar, a prominent company in the field of equipment imports and calibration, faced significant challenges with an outdated system. In mid-2010, we began a partnership to implement our commercial system focusing on proposals and negotiations, finance, invoicing, and inventory. In the following years, we also implemented the technical assistance and import modules. This strategic decision marked the beginning of a profound transformation in their operational processes.

Since integrating our system, Alemmar has shown an unwavering commitment not only to maintaining but continuously improving their operations. The improvements implemented over time reflect not only the efficiency of the software provided but also the synergy built between the companies. This solid collaboration has been fundamental in facing challenges in a dynamic and competitive market.

Alemmar's trajectory vividly illustrates the tangible benefits that can be achieved when a company commits to innovation and adopts technological solutions tailored to its needs. Our cooperation has not only boosted the organization's operational efficiency but also highlighted the importance of a collaborative, client-oriented approach in the pursuit of success in an ever-evolving business world, despite existing challenges and setbacks.

For over ten years, we have been partners in a Software Factory, contributing to the development of mission-critical systems for the Secretariat of Finance and Planning (SFP) of the Government of the State of São Paulo. Our approach is fully oriented by the Agile Mindset and supported by agile techniques and tools. We successfully adapted to the SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) methodology adopted by the Government.

During this period, we have implemented and maintained more than 30 crucial systems, including Public Hearings, PropSep, EPA, PPA, LDO, LOA, SAO, SOE, as well as integrations with SIAFEM and SAP's BI tool. These systems play a fundamental role in supporting planning, guidelines, and budget management, covering values above R$300 billion across the State.

Here we work from requirements analysis, solution design, and software architecture definition, providing access and support to over 450,000 users, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness at every stage of the process.

In 2018, Guima Conseco, a renowned company in the national facilities market, embarked on a journey to optimize its operations. The search for solutions towards digital transformation brought us together. Thus, we started with a comprehensive project of mapping the organization's processes, resulting in action plans filled with improvements.

As a result, a series of new projects were requested with the main focus on the implementation of software tools and system integration. These initiatives supported crucial areas such as Human Resources, Controllership, Procurement, Finance, and Engineering.

During this partnership with Guima Conseco, we experienced challenges, setbacks, and successes. This strengthened our resilience and learning, providing us with greater expertise to navigate the various waves of digital transformation.

Espacial Suprimentos, recognized as one of the leaders in office supplies, has a trajectory marked by success since the integration of our JetERP system over 25 years ago. In 2023, they decided to take a bold step by expanding their operations to e-commerce, adopting our solution on the Magento platform, JetECM. This strategic decision highlights Espacial's commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation and adapting to the ever-evolving market demands.

The successful implementation of our JetERP and the expansion strategy integrating JetECM stand out as fundamental pillars of Espacial's continuous growth and operational efficiency. By incorporating advanced technologies into their processes, the company not only keeps up with market trends but also anticipates them, consolidating its position as a leader in the sector. This visionary approach reinforces the importance of investing in robust and adaptable digital solutions to drive long-term business success.

Espacial exemplifies how the combination of a solid foundation, represented by the use of JetERP, with the boldness to explore new frontiers, can result in sustainable and differentiated growth. This success story highlights the importance of a proactive and innovation-oriented approach to achieving and maintaining business excellence in an increasingly digitalized environment, imposing challenges and setbacks.

For more than three years, we have been involved as partners in a Software Factory, contributing to the development and maintenance of essential legacy systems for the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo (TJSP). All our construction processes were conducted based on the Agile Mindset, supported by agile techniques and tools.

During this period, we played a fundamental role in the following systems: the Paulista School of Magistracy (EPM) system, comprising 909 programs and 87 tables; HR Management Systems, covering 3,100 programs and 208 tables; and the International Adoption Management System (CEJAI), containing 480 programs and 60 tables. This included requirements gathering, solution design, and software architecture definition, ensuring continuous access and support to users.

For over two decades, we started our journey in the recycling area with the company 3E, which a few years ago became Yvy, with whom we continue on the sustainable journey, viewing the recycling cycle as an interdependent ecosystem.

Guided by the belief that individual success is intrinsically linked to collective success, Yvy continually seeks innovative solutions to improve its operations. With this mindset, and backed by our extensive experience in software development, coupled with all the knowledge acquired over the years in building our JetERP, we engaged in supporting Yvy with the implementation of innovative software to meet its ever-evolving demands.

In this environment, we create solutions that support everything from the commercial area to external logistics, including transportation, storage, load monitoring, and issuing waste certificates, among others. The purpose is to ensure that all parts of the recycling process are efficiently interconnected, thus driving Yvy's operations with sustainability and responsibility.

For two years, we were partners in the Software Factory, significantly contributing to the development and maintenance of systems for the University of São Paulo (USP). All our construction processes were conducted under the agile MindSet, supported by agile techniques and tools.

During this period, we focused our efforts on developing administrative systems for the mechanical (PME), mechatronics (PMR), and naval (PNV) departments of the renowned Polytechnic School of USP. This collaboration included the phases, from requirements gathering to solution design and software architecture definition, ensuring continuous access and support to users.

The collaboration with ACP Plásticos, a company with over 37 years of market experience serving customers across Brazil with innovative Back-to-School and Organization products, is another inspiring example of a long-lasting policy that transcends technological changes.

For over two decades, through the recommendation of our client Espacial, we began collaborating with ACP to solve obstacles faced with the use of their current ERP software, Microsiga / Protheus, which was already recognized as an excellent system. However, it presented some usability difficulties, such as the inability to make small customizations to support organizational processes and significant difficulty in user support.

Faced with these obstacles, we conducted a mapping and sought improvements in ACP's current processes, aiming to enhance business understanding. Based on the results, we customized our JetERP system and migrated the previous system, which solved the identified problems. The need for modernization led to the choice of our product, a comprehensive business administration solution that not only replaced old systems but also included new functionalities created especially for them, such as the representative portal and a more efficient commercial area.

However, after a long period of JetERP operation, internal decisions led the company to replace our system with another, which did not meet the general and specific demands requiring progress. After 15 months, ACP realized the relevance of a long-term partnership and the need to find a flexible and suitable solution for their constantly evolving needs. The resumption of the partnership between ACP and Jetsoft is not just a choice of technology but a renewed commitment to operational excellence and the search for solutions that can drive their growth and market success.

This experience emphasizes the relevance not only of choosing the right technology but also the right collaboration. By returning to work with Jetsoft, ACP reinforces its confidence in a partner who understands their demands and is committed to helping them achieve their long-term business goals.

FUNCATE is a support foundation that, over forty years, has played a role of excellence in the management of research and technological development projects in the space area. Our partnership, for more than two years, was marked by intense collaboration between our team and the foundation's people, in the search for optimization and modernization of current business processes. Thus, we applied our JetBPM service, ranging from mapping, and improvement suggestions to process automation.

With a customer-centric approach and a commitment to excellence, we successfully developed a new platform for electronic auctions to meet law no. 8.666/93, as well as the Coordinator portal for service, requests, and deliveries. Our trajectory was not limited to creating solutions, it was marked by visible and impactful results, such as the interoperability of the implemented tools. This allowed integration via WebServices to the ERP Protheus system, adopted by Funcate to support the BackOffice areas (Purchasing, Finance, and Accounting), providing a more complete, efficient, and satisfying experience for the client.

With the sudden change of President, directors, and supervisors responsible for the project, priorities and strategic directions changed, resulting in the termination of our service contract. However, this does not prevent us from appreciating the experience gained and the chance to contribute to the purposes of such a relevant institution for the progress of science and technology in Brazil. We are confident that the principles we created will remain to support Funcate's pursuit of excellence and innovation in its future activities.

Cultivar relacionamentos duradouros com os clientes é uma jornada desafiadora

Aqui estão alguns dos feedbacks que recebemos de parceiros que confiaram em nós

Partners who trusted us


Here is how we innovate to find solutions

Discover how we can turn your needs into reality:

JetERP: Gestão Total do seu Negócio

JetERP - Total Business Management

JetERP is a comprehensive solution developed with state-of-the-art technologies, making total integration of various business areas effortless, providing efficient, agile, secure, and flexible management.

Marketing Digital

JetMKD - Digital Marketing Services

Our brand awareness strategies generate more attention and relevance for your brand. Digital Marketing actions also influence the sales potential of your business.


JetECM -
E-commerce Platform

Increase your sales capacity with your e-commerce connected to Marketplaces and your CRM tools, customer service, ERP, finance, logistics, marketing, and more!

Fábrica de Software e Outsourcing

JetFSW - Software Factory Services

Our software factory specializes in the development of mobile applications, web systems, portals, marketplaces, and system interoperability, accessing the various available databases.

Treinamentos e Capacitação

JetTCC - Training, Skills Development, and Consulting

We are passionate about evolving people, diving deep into hard and soft skills, seeking to maximize and bring out the best in your employees. We direct all efforts towards improving the results and efficiency of your teams, always considering a sustainable pace and better engagement of people.

Mapeamento e Melhoria de Processos

JetBPM - Process Mapping, Improvement, and Automation Services

We specialize in Business Process Management (BPM). Our expertise is based on more than fourteen years of experience in numerous projects.


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